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How Knowledge Based Learning works

You will find Knowledge based learning in two sections: Practice & Validate.·




Located in STEP 2 LEARN AND PRACTICE of each module. In order to access it, please follow the next steps:


1. Click the module title:




3. Click the Knowledge Base Practice included in the item you want to assess:


4. Please, make sure you read and understand the information in the Test Information and Interface tutorial screens. Click Next until you reach the last page, then click Begin test:

5. You will be presented with practice questions. Click to select the answer or follow the instructions provided, depending on the question type (multiple choice/sort steps). Then click Next:


6. In case you don't know the answer you may click Show Answer to show the explanation:


7. Use Next to navigate through the questions until you reach the last one, then click Finish Test:


9. Your test score report will be displayed:


12. To exit the activity and go back to the dashboard please click  practice12.png. Scores will be saved in the grade section.



Located in Step 3. Validate and later in the Are you ready for the final validation? section. It is exactly as in the Practice Step, except that in this case, you do not have the option to Show answer and the questions do not include Explanation text.